Who are we?

We are a design office within the DOMinvest Group, divided into two specialized teams: DI Architects and DI Statics. We are part of a group that also includes the construction company DOMinvest Ltd. and the real estate development firm DOMinvest Development Ltd., specializing in residential projects.

Our Teams

DI statics is a project team of structural engineers within DI plan, part of the DOMinvest Group. The team specializes in structural analysis and design (structural engineering and construction projects), as well as the preparation of execution plans (formwork and reinforcement plans, workshop documentation). All processes are carried out using BIM technology in design.

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DI architects is the architectural team of the design office DI plan, operating within the DOMinvest Group. Our architects transform the vision from the conceptual design into comprehensive solutions in the main design phase by collaborating with experts in architecture, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.

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DI plan is the renamed company formerly known as BIM Concept, which has been operating since 2020. After merging with SP Statik, a company active since 2017, it adopted the name DI plan to establish a connection with the DOMinvest Group. "DI" represents DOMinvest, while "plan" signifies design specifically, project drawings, which are also referred to as plans.
DI plan primarily exists as a legal entity, with the company registered under this name in the court and commercial registers. Our employees are employed by DI plan, and we communicate and conduct transactions with our clients and suppliers as DI plan Ltd. However, the strategic decision was made to market the two specialized teams separately, based on their expertise in specific areas architecture and main design, and structural engineering, or construction projects.
We use DI plan Ltd. in all legal, accounting, and bookkeeping matters, on social media, and as the domain for official communication (emails). Additionally, DI plan is the entity listed on all project documentation. DI statics and DI architects are used on websites to communicate the specialized services we provide and to target clients who require these specific services.
Structural engineering has long been an overlooked discipline in construction, a must-have checkpoint during the development of a main design, but rarely given the recognition it deserves. In Croatia, it sadly entered the mainstream spotlight after a devastating earthquake, when people stopped mistakenly calling us “statisticians” and began using our proper title: structural engineers. Our core specialty is ensuring the safety of buildings. We achieve this by correctly transferring mechanical and dynamic forces to the foundation. Simply put: we dimension structures to withstand all external forces. This is our passion, and we are the best at what we do! We aim to be key contributors in the construction process, ensuring safety through constant support for our clients and partners: architects, construction developers, investors, and contractors. What does this mean in practice? It means we are involved in projects from the initial idea and conceptual sketches of structures or positioning plans, through the main and execution structural projects, to the construction phase, where we provide expert supervision. Our primary mission is to guarantee the safety and load-bearing capacity of the building's structure. We strive to expand our vision of safety and structural reliability for every building. Our ultimate goal is that people living in these structures feel secure and protected at all times even during the most severe earthquakes imaginable. This is what drives us. It is our “why.”
Every month in the Republic of Croatia, between 1,000 and 1,500 building permits are issued, which means that every working day, 50 to 75 buildings are granted permits for construction. Each of these buildings has a significant impact on our society and environment, which is why it is essential to consider the characteristics with which they are designed and how they are constructed. Until recently, we were surrounded by numerous illegal buildings, and we witnessed construction projects where the main players in design, supervision, or construction were unqualified individuals and/or their companies. The result of this is substandard buildings that fail to meet fundamental requirements in one or more areas: mechanical resistance and stability (structural integrity), fire safety, accessibility, noise protection, energy efficiency, sustainability, and the health and safety of the residents. We aim to be the key contributors in construction who, from the very beginning—through spatial design, planning, supervision, and construction within our sister company in the group embed expertise and quality into every residential building we design, build, or "develop." Our goal is to change the buildings that surround us and where we spend on average 13 hours a day. We want to influence the quality of residential buildings and, by doing so, directly improve the quality of life. Safety, protection, and quality of life are the driving forces that shape our impact on society, and this is our "why."



Address: Zagrebačka cesta 143A, Zagreb
E-mail: info@di-plan.hr
Phone: 01 / 4242 250


Address: Mosna ulica 14, Koprivnica
E-mail: info@di-plan.hr
Phone: 01 / 4242 250